Denmark’s largest reconstructed Viking longhouse opens

The new ‘Kings Hall’ is the latest addition to the Lejre Land of Legends open air museum.

Located 45 minutes west of Copenhagen, it is a recreated version of the largest Viking Age building in Denmark – and the largest so-called “King’s Hall” ever found in the Nordic region.

The building is due to be opened by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark on Wednesday June 17th, 2020.

Kongehallen, Lejre Land of Legends
With a length of 61 meters and a height of 10 meters, it was built according to original construction methods, but also uses modern technology and will be equipped with electricity and heating. It was originally found in the hall by archaeologists in Gl. Camps in 2009.

At 1000 tons of oak, it is as impressive a sight today as it was in the 7th century when the original building was believed to have been erected in an area 3 km from the location of the new nave. Inside, you’ll find carvings on the walls and hands-on Viking activities like silversmithing.

Lejre Land of Legends was founded in 1964 as an experimental history and archeology center. The “Kings Hall” will be the new centerpiece of the attraction, which is open every summer to visitors to see a reconstructed “working” Viking village.

Beyond the Lejre Center

The Sealand region is rich in Viking and Iron Age history, making it the perfect location for historical and cultural exploration.

In Roskilde (25 minutes by train from Copenhagen), the UNESCO World Heritage Roskilde Cathedral has been the final resting place for Danish kings since the 15th century. The building dates from the 12. and 13th century and was Scandinavia’s first Gothic cathedral. With its strategic location at the foot of the Roskilde Fjord, the city was an important place in Viking times. The city’s Viking Ship Museum has a permanent exhibition showing the remains of five original Viking ships from the 11th century, which were recovered from the seabed in 1962 at a location 20 km north of Roskilde. The salvaged parts of the submerged ships revealed that they were five different types of Skuldelev ships, all of which were deliberately sunk to protect the lower part of the fjord from the risk of attack at sea.

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Roskilde Viking Ships
Roskilde Cathedral
In the Viking Ship Hall, the permanent exhibition tells the story of the ships as well as the story of Nordic maritime adventures. Outside the museum harbor is a large collection of more than 50 traditional Nordic wooden boats and reconstructed Viking ships. During the summer months, visitors can meet the artisans who built and maintained the ships and try their hand at maritime trades such as rope making and sailing aboard a Viking longboat on the Roskilde Fjord.

Skjoldungernes Land National Park surrounds Roskilde Fjord and brings together salt marshes, islands and islets where unique flora and fauna thrive and visitors can enjoy the simple joys of hiking and camping in the ancient deciduous forest. Follow mountain bike trails or take a dip in the pristine waters of Lake Avnsø.

The area is filled with reference to ancient Danish history. As the legend of the Norse god Odin, who sent Denmark’s first king, King Skjold, to the region. His name is the basis of the ancient Danish kings known as Skjoldungerne (i.e. children of Skjold). The epic old English poem Beowulf is set in the land of the Skjoldungernes and tells the story of how Beowulf visited an old Danish king in the area.


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