What do you do in the holiday home when it rains?

Many associate holidays with the beach and water. Bathing and playing a lot outdoors. But what if the weather is not suitable for the beach and it is more like rubber boot weather? Is it still great to vacation in a vacation home? Yes of course it is!

And here are a few suggestions of what to do when the vacation is on your doorstep. We’ve thought and come up with a few ideas that can be great entertainment both outside and inside when we’re not going to the beach. After all, it has something to do with not having bad weather, just the wrong clothes … 🙂

Find and exhibit exciting things in the forest

First, find a flat surface on the ground where the landfill museum should be. Find thin branches to “draw” a square, then divide the square into even smaller squares with multiple branches.

Go hunting in the forest with the kids and collect all the fun, fine, weird natural and unnatural things that the forest holds.

Then the cases have to be issued. Put everything in the little squares or do little systems – natural things in one big square, unnatural things in another, or do each of your little museums and visit each other.

Paint on stone

We already know that from the Corona era. Find lots of stones on the beach or in the forest and write words, letters, characters or numbers on them. Everyone can take part, even the very young children can help find stones and paint on them. The slightly older children can write letters on the stones with which they can then practice words. Then it’s all about writing and putting together funny, silly and inventive sentences. The smaller children can only paint colors or animals can be painted on the different stones.

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Magic dough & plastic wax

After all, magic dough is a classic and one serving of magic dough lasts for many hours. You can use the creations for gifts for grandparents or others on the Christmas list

Magic dough recipe:

  • 2 dl wheat flour
  • 1 dl fine salt
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • about 1 dl of water

Mix all the ingredients together but add a little water to each. The dough should be like plastic wax and only sit for an hour before use. Behind the numbers for four hours at 100 degrees or 1 hour at 50 degrees, 1 hour at 75 degrees, 1 hour at 100 degrees and 1 hour at 125 degrees.

If you don’t have patience with the magical batter, you can also make your own plastic wax, which usually also plays well on the inside of the dining table for hours.

Recipe for modeling wax:

  • 2 dl flour
  • 1 dl fine salt
  • 1 teaspoon of tartaric acid

Mix the above in a saucepan. Then add:

  • 3 teaspoons of oil
  • ½ fl. Fruit color (small)

Great baking day

A good idea in rainy weather is to spend the day together in the kitchen. Whether bread or cake is baked is not the deciding factor, but you have time to do it together. If you want to jump into the baking adventure, here is the recipe for delicious kids muffins that can be decorated however you like, and be patient for the recipe that is available here

  • ½ teaspoon of baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • ½ cup of cocoa
  • 1 DL. milk
  • 1 egg
  • 40 g butter
  • 180 g of sugar
  • 150 g wheat flour
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Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well with an electric whisk. Pour the mixture into muffin tins, but only fill half full! Place on a baking sheet, place in the middle of the oven and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 ° C. Alternatively, you can always buy one of the ready-made cake mixes 🙂

Play with the food

While the magic dough was being baked, you could step on board this homemade game. Create a game board for six players. Enter one of the numbers from one to six in each field. Add some flavor to each box, it can be anything from chocolates, apples, raisins, oranges, wine gums, peanuts to carrots. It is completely free choice.

Now, one at a time, hit a dice and eat a bite of what is in the field indicated by the dice. There can be cracks around the “good fields” and it’s a nice way to have an afternoon snack 😉

Build kites

If there is wind or storm it might be an idea to build kites. If you have young children you can assemble them and watch them fly away. If you have slightly older children, you can build each one and see if it works best in the air.

to visit sights

When we need inspiration for sightseeing or other activities in the rain, some of these things can inspire us.

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