Summer vacations in Denmark: A guide for 2023

Summer in Denmark – a time of relaxation, long days and adventure. This article provides a comprehensive guide to summer vacations in Denmark in 2023, both for children and adults.

School vacations

In Denmark, the 2023 summer vacation for schoolchildren begins on June 24 and ends on August 13. During this time, children are free from school and can enjoy their free time. Summer vacations are an important time for Danish families, as they offer the opportunity to spend time together and create new memories.


Parallel to the school summer vacation period, Denmark also has the so-called“Industriferie“, a term for the three weeks of the summer when most Danes go on vacation. The “Industriferie” traditionally takes place during weeks 28, 29 and 30, which in 2023 corresponds to Monday, July 10 to Sunday, July 30.

The term “Industriferie” dates back to the days when manufacturing and industrial companies closed for three weeks in July so their employees could spend time with their families. Today, the term is less present, but still refers to the weeks when the majority of working people take their summer vacation.

Planning and practices

During the“Industriferie” many Danes travel abroad or visit family and friends throughout Denmark. Some use the time to work on the house and garden, while others prefer a more relaxed routine, resting and relaxing.

However, it should be noted that not all companies close during the“Industriferie“. Some companies have production that must continue throughout the “Industriferie” and therefore rely on skeleton staff or vacation replacements to keep production going.

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In fact, there are many who choose not to travel during the“Industriferie” because they consider it too expensive and believe that various resorts are overcrowded with tourists. However, some parents have to take leave during the “Industriferie” because schools are closed for childcare during this time.

Due to the large influx of people vacationing at the same time, “Industriferie” can be a challenge for some businesses. This may result in insufficient staff to complete the required work. To avoid this, organizations often ask employees to take leave at other times.

Travel to Denmark during the Industriferie

If you are planning a trip to Denmark during the“Industriferie“, you should be prepared for the fact that many Danes will be on vacation at the same time, which often leads to crowds and long queues at airports, on ferries and at tourist destinations. Many Danes therefore choose to travel outside the “Industriferie” to have a more relaxed trip.

Therefore, it is recommended to plan your trip well in advance if you plan to travel to Denmark during this period. This gives you the opportunity to book accommodation and activities early and make the most of your stay in Denmark.


Summer vacations are a special time in Denmark, both for children and adults. They offer the opportunity to discover new places, spend time with family and relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. At the same time, the “Industriferie” represents a unique dynamic to consider for both locals and visitors. By planning carefully and taking these aspects into consideration, you can ensure that your summer vacation in Denmark will be an unforgettable experience.

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Have a good trip and have fun in Denmark!

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