Klinteskoven – the beech forests behind Møns Klint

You will find Møn’s highest point under the gnarled beech trees. It is the Aborrebjerget with its 143 meters.

Klinteskoven Insel Moen from Aborrebjerget is the valley of Jydelejet with its unusual vegetation. Juniper, mountain ash, ash and beech grow here. Right behind Aborrebjerget there is a large stone called “Svantese-stenen”. Legend has it that a witch from the island of Rügen hated the ringing of the bells of Magleby Church so much that she fetched a stone from the beach and threw it against the church with the help of her garter. The stone only hit one of the two towers of the church and landed in Klinteskoven.

Many monuments can also be found in these forests. Tombs were well hidden by the first farmers and even the remains of two forts with ramparts and moats from the last period of antiquity can be found here.

The chalky soil is the reason you can find up to 20 different types of wild orchids in Klinteskoven. Most of the orchids are very rare and critically endangered. The entire vegetation in Klinteskoven is protected by law and therefore it is not allowed to pick or dig anything.

There are many stories about trolls and witches in Klinteskoven, but one of the most important characters is the giant Upsala, better known as Klintekongen – King of the Cliffs. The villagers rarely went near Store Klint because this area was supposed to be part of his realm.

Klinteskoven originally belonged to Klintholm Manor, but in 1980 the Danish state bought the whole area around the chalk cliffs and parts of the forests.

See also  The flora on the island of Mön

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